Welcome to Venture Grooming.
Our products are created for people of all-colors of collars; players in industry or sports; seekers of thrills and peak experiences; makers of things that work, or works of art (or both); lovers of nature’s wonders… and anyone wanting to look their best while doing their best, at work or play.
The People
Meet Marvin and Ana Sandoval, founders of Venture Grooming.
Before we Ventured to create our own products, we spent a decade in grooming retail selling a wide range of favorite brands to a broad spectrum of men in our barber shop Vixen & Beard – the best education in what works for who, what doesn’t, and why. Ana herself is also a barber, and our collective knowledge about cutting, styling, and caring for men’s hair gave us the confidence to create Texturizing Clay, our first product designed to satisfy our clients’ desire for the inter-related properties of hold, volume, and texture. It put us on the map, and the rest of the line flowed naturally.

The Goods
First, every ingredient we use has a purpose, a reason to be on the list, and we have a long list of things we don’t want anywhere near our customers’ heads. Second, we have a relationship with every supplier, which means we know the length, quality, and integrity of our supply chain. Third, we make our products in a nearby lab where we control every step, produce small batches to ensure potency and freshness, and use ingredients that may not be practical for bigger brands at industrial scale.

The Smell
When you find a new product and it looks good, sounds good, seems clean, but when you open it and don’t like how it smells, or how strong it smells, it’s over, right? Not only did we design two natural scents for our products, inspired by the classics – leather, rum, wood, citrus, smoke, spice – and the outdoors – oak moss, bergamot, pine needle – we offer them as Eau de Parfum for a unified fragrance experience instead of the typical clash of products competing for the nose.

The Ethic
We’re a small, family-focused company, which makes us need to do our very best. Our responsibility for others – and to each other as partners in this Venture – gives us purpose and fuels our ambition. It also requires us to leave our egos at the door.